Tokyo Tokyo had an introductory promo on their Shitake Mushroom Burger. The burger cost P100.00 but it comes with pearl milk tea. The price is worth it because most of the milk teas cost P80 - P100 but in Tokyo Tokyo you will have the burger too.
The burger taste good, it is savory yet sweet because of the barbecue sauce which I really love and most of you to do. The size is almost big serving; you can compare it with the man-sized burger In KFC. I can also tell it has a lot of veggies that I love because it was covered with the barbecue sauce. For those who don’t eat veggies you will love it or you can remove it instead. But it bothers me why it’s called Shitake MUSHROOM burger if I can only find 2-3 pieces of mushrooms. It supposed to be called Shitake SESAME burger because you can see sesame seeds all over the top of the bun.
Now let’s go on
the milk tea. The Pearl Milk Tea doesn’t taste like the ordinary milk
tea you can see usually. The difference between Tokyo Tokyo and other milk tea shops it has a unique taste I can’t describe. It
is not that sweet, you can taste the tea. Its pearl milk tea not milk
with a lot of sugar added with pearl. The pearl itself is chewable and In the right size. Because a lot of pearl are tough and some size are either too big or too small. The serving size is about 16 oz. It is not big like the Large one in Chatime but for me it is the right serving for you to be satisfied and don’t be satiety.
If you love discovering and tasting food like me, you should go to Tokyo Tokyo and try their Shitake Mushroom Burger and Pearl Milk Tea. P100.00 will not be wasted. It’s not perfect but we all know nothing is perfect. Please do comment or message me what you think on it and if you have other questions feel free too.
PROS: Worth it, satisfying, kills your hunger, right taste of milk tea, not satiety
CONS: Not that affordable, limited mushrooms, no delivery
Over-All Rating: 4/5
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