Friday, 4 December 2015


We always under estimate simple things where we started and made us who we are today.

                People always think about a pair of shoes is only a part of their outfit or an accessory that will make them look fabulous or extravagant.They wore it on the lowest part of their body without knowing a pair of shoes BROUGHT THEM ON WHERE THEY ARE. Different kinds and designs of shoes symbolize inspiration to reach success.

                Same as pencil where we learned how to write but when we reach high school we threw them away and worst forgot them.  But they are coming back when we need to take College Entrance Exams to teach us to look back on our past. Passing those exams is possible with the help of a pencil. Pencil ACCEPTS OUR MISTAKES AND FLAWS and they help us erase or correct them. Not like ballpen that makes everything permanent.

                Also workers, big companies looked at them as they are employees begging for salaries to survive; they don’t see without those workers their business will not grow as fast and as big like it was. The MOST IMPORTANT PART OF PRODUCTION is those workers who even haven’t finish their studies. Without entrepreneur, workers can run their business. Without government, workers will still survive with advantage of no rules or SRP. Without land, workers can established an online shop. Without capital, workers can use free resources from our nature.

                Learn to appreciate them before it is too late and they are all gone.  

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